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Virtue Scope

Every day spin the wheel and enjoy the magic - Keep the virtue in your awareness throughout the day and see how it colours your world...
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Thought of the Day

Thought for today

Mindful Moments

Many of us, while sound of mind, struggle to find harmony and peace. We’re capable of thinking and creativity, yet controlling our thoughts and co-creating in harmony often eludes us. Mental training could help us harness the mind’s immense power, readily available to us. Mindfulness offers a starting point. It’s about being fully present in our actions, which is often not the case as our minds drift to the past or future, or focus on others instead of our own actions. Try this: when you next eat, focus solely on your meal. If your mind wanders, gently guide it back to the sensations of eating. Apply this practice to other activities—cleaning, writing, working. The result? Enhanced focus, natural actions, peace, and relaxation, no matter the task at hand.

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